Arianna Minelli picture

Arianna Minelli

Neutron Scattering Scientist

Arianna Minelli is instrument scientist at CORELLI, the single crystal diffuse scattering diffractometer at the Spallation Neutron Source. She joined recently ORNL, in April 2023. Previously, she did a postdoctoral fellowship with Prof. Andrew Goodwin at the University of Oxford in the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. She obtained a PhD in Grenoble at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) with the supervision of Dr. Alexei Bosak in ID28, a beamline where two techniques, triple-axis spectrometer and diffuse scattering diffractometer, are used to study lattice dynamics and more.

Research interests

She works with systems where diffuse scattering is present as structural defects or as dynamical instabilities. Her research interests are mainly on strongly correlated electron systems and their phase transitions, such as charge density waves. She is interested in the complementarity of diffraction and spectroscopy and how both can help understand complex systems.


Bachelor and Master Degree in Material Science at University of Padova, Italy

Master Degree in Physics at La Sorbonne, France

PhD in Physics at Universite Grenoble Alpes, France