Position: Lead Instrument Scientist
Beamline: BL-15Instrument: Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer
Group: Structure and Dynamics of Soft Matter
Facility: Spallation Neutron SourceEmail: ohlme@ornl.gov
PhD in Physics, University of Augsburg, Germany
Michael E. Ohl is head of the Jülich outstation at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), and Lead Instrument Scientist of the Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer (NSE) at the SNS. His research interests include polymer dynamics, glass dynamics, gel and formations, and polarized neutron technology.
Selected Publications
- U. Buchenau, A. Wischnewski, M. Ohl, and E. Fabiani, Neutron scattering evidence on the nature of the boson peak, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 205106 (2007)
- U. Buchenau, M. Ohl, and A. Wischnewski, A new interpretation of dielectric data in molecular glass formers, Journal of Chemical Physics 124 094505 (2006)
- M. Ohl, M. Monkenbusch, T. Kozielewski, B. Laatsch, Ch. Tiemann, and D. Richter, Correction elements for ultra–high resolution NSE spectrometer, Physica B 356 234-238 (2005) M. Ohl, M. Monkenbusch, D. Richter, C. Pappas, K. Lieutenant, Th. Krist, G. Zsigmond, and F. Mezei, The high-resolution neutron spin-echo spectrometer for the SNS with τ>=1µs, Physica B 350 147-150 (2004)
- W. Schmidt, M. Ohl, and K. Schmalzl, IN12-UFO: new frontiers for cold triple-axis spectroscopy, Physica B: Condensed Matter 385-386 1073 – 1076 (2006)
- M. Reehuis, C. Ulrich, P. Pattison, B. Ouladdiaf, M.C. Rheinstadter, M. Ohl, L.P. Regnault, M. Miyasaka, and Y. Tokura, Keimer B Neutron diffraction study of YVO3, NdVO3, and TbVO3, Phys. Rev. B 73 (9): Art. No. 094440 March (2006)
- M. Monkenbusch, M. Ohl, D. Richter, C. Pappas, G. Zsigmond, K. Lieutenant, and F. Mezei, Aspects of neutron spin-echo spectrometer operation at pulsed sources, Journal of Neutron Research 13 1/3 63 (2005)