Jen Meszaros
Nuclear Safety Analysis Team Lead
High Flux Isotope Reactor
Jen Meszaros is the High Flux Isotope Reactor Nuclear Safety Analysis Team Lead at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. She enjoys playing piano, practicing CrossFit, and baking. Jen has been at the lab since 2018.
A large part of my work involves evaluating planned maintenance activities, procedure revisions, and facility modifications to ensure safe and reliable operations at HFIR. Personally, I spend a lot of time coordinating my team’s evaluations and analyses.”
“At HFIR, we’ve very team-oriented. The safety analysts, maintenance engineers, system engineers, and the operators all work together to ensure the facility runs safely and efficiently. I don’t think I’ve worked anywhere else where I’m constantly participating in multi-disciplinary teams, and I find those interactions very stimulating.”
–Jen Meszaros