The Neutron Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory recently upgraded the sample environment gas pressure panel carts at the Spallation Neutron Source. These improved systems, seen here, are designed to significantly simplify and improve the experimental user interface. The panels precisely and accurately control the pressure and volume of inert, hazardous, and user supplied sample gases. They are well suited for use in pressure cells, gas loading and gas sample interaction experiments. The panels are rated for operation for pressures from vacuum to 4000 psi.
Bruce Hill, a senior technician at SNS, worked with users and operators to configure the new panels. In March, Hill and the sample environment team launched the first of what will eventually be six new panels.
The new panels have been configured for intuitive and safe operation. High pressure commercial components have been employed to insure reliability and high quality sealing. The panels can be coupled with a cold trap to insure the purity of sample gases, and can handle both inert and hazardous gases. Users can also supply their own bottles, control the volume, manage auxiliary gas supplies, and change pressures with precision.