Skyrmion-Excited Spin-Wave Fractal Networks

Scientific Achievement
This work demonstrated that spin-waves emitted from collective gyration modes in skyrmions form a long-range fractal network.
Significance and Impact
This first direct observation of fractal structure in spin waves offers new insights into the nanoscale dynamics of skyrmions. Skyrmions and incoming spin waves could lead to developments in neuromorphic computing.
Research Details
- In-situ small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and ferromagnetic resonance were performed on thin film multilayer of Fe/Gd at ambient temperature in a range of fields.
- Ferromagnetic Resonance was done offline to map out phase diagram for target SANS measurements.
- Micromagnetic simulations were also done using Object Oriented MicroMagnetic Framework to model the skyrmion behavior in the excitation fields.
“Skyrmion-Excited Spin-Wave Fractal Networks”
Nan Tang, W. L. N. C. Liyanage, Sergio A. Montoya, Sheena Patel, Lizabeth J. Quigley, Alexander J. Grutter, Michael R. Fitzsimmons, Sunil Sinha, Julie A. Borchers, Eric E. Fullerton, Lisa DeBeer-Schmitt, and Dustin A. Gilbert
Advanced Materials, 2300416 (2023). DOI: