Squeezing the Skyrmion Lattice in Polar Magnets

Scientific Achievement
It is shown that spin-orbit coupling in the 4d polar magnet GaMo4S8 stabilizes highly compressed skyrmion lattices with short periodicities (< 10 nm).
Significance and Impact
This research indicates how utilizing skyrmion lattices based on 4d rather than 3d magnetic atoms can help achieve the small periodicities needed for potential magnetic memory and spintronic applications.
Research Details
- Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) was performed on single crystal GaMo4S8 sample in a cryomagnet up to 2 T and down in temperature to 2 K.
- Angular dependence of the magnetic susceptibility and magnetocurrent was measured at 10 K along with full temperature and applied magnetic field diagrams.
“Squeezing the periodicity of Néel-type magnetic modulations by enhanced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction of 4d electrons”
Ádám Butykai, Korbinian Geirhos, Dávid Szaller, László F. Kiss, László Balogh, Maria Azhar, Markus Garst, Lisa DeBeer-Schmitt, Takeshi Waki, Yoshikazu Tabata, Hiroyuki Nakamura, István Kézsmárki and Sándor Bordács
npj Quantum Materials 7, 26 (2022). DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1910.11523