Ekaterina Danilova
Ekaterina Danilova is a software developer in ORNL’s Scientific Information Systems. She creates web applications that enable analyzing and managing information related to accelerator operations and the user program. Her responsibilities are in the design, development, and support of software for the Research Accelerator Division and User Office. Ekaterina pays attention to all facets of the user experience. As an example, submitting a publication is now as simple as entering the DOI. For fun, Ekaterina enjoys reading, yoga, dance, painting, and having a cup of tea with a good friend.
As a kid, I wanted to know many languages, so I got a master’s degree in linguistics and enjoyed teaching and translating for a few years. After my family moved from Siberia to the USA, I obtained a degree in computer science technology. I then worked as an intern at the Spallation Neutron Source while pursuing another degree in instructional technology. This gave me a way to tie my teaching experience and newly gained technical skills together in one field—development of interactive software for education. User-centered computing and design was a part of my curriculum, and I have used this approach in my work since then. I did not abandon my childhood dream: Java is a language, isn’t it?
I like to think that by working for such a cool project as the Spallation Neutron Source, I am playing my little part in the progress of science. Proving scientific ideas with experiments extends our knowledge in many areas and leads to the development of advanced technologies. On the large scale, this benefits humanity overall and is very exciting!"
–Ekaterina Danilova