Electric-Field Control of Magnetic Chirality in a Homo-Ferro-Rotational Helimagnet
November 18, 2024

a)-b) Crystal structure of RbFe(SO4)2. The green arrows represent counter-clockwise rotational distortions.
c)-d) Spin-flip intensities with neutron spins parallel (Ix±) and antiparallel (Ix∓) to Q under electric fields of ±1.75 kV/cm. Right- and left-handed helical domains become dominant at +1.75 and -1.75 kV/cm, respectively.
Scientific Achievement
Neutron polarization analysis revealed that the helical domains can be manipulated with electric field in a homo-ferro-rotational (FR) helimagnet RbFe(SO4)2.
Significance and Impact
Magnetic sulfates are promising candidates for FR magnets since multiferroic properties can be manipulated with electric fields using the single FR domain crystal.
Research Details
- Single ferro-rotational domain crystals of RbFe(SO4)2 were grown using the high-pressure hydrothermal method.
- External electric fields induce a single helimagnetic domain as well as spontaneous ferroelectric polarization.
- Full neutron polarization analysis was applied to characterize the multiferroic properties in electric fields.
“Electric-Field Control of Magnetic Chirality in a Homo-Ferro-Rotational Helimagnet“, Adv. Sci. 11, 2402048 (2024)