SNS Accelerator Advisory Committee
The SNS AAC advises the Research Accelerator Division and Instrument & Source Division directors on the operations and performance of the SNS accelerator and neutron source complex. The committee assesses and provides advice on accelerator and neutron source performance, performance limitations, proposed improvements to overcome those limitations, operation of the facility, the ongoing program of accelerator and neutron source science and technology development, and plans for future upgrades to the accelerator and neutron source complex
SNS AAC Charter
Committee Charge and Responsibilities
The SNS Accelerator Advisory Committee (SNS AAC ) will report to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Associate Laboratory Director (ALD) for Neutron Sciences and will advise the Research Accelerator Division (RAD) and Instrument & Source Division (ISD) directors on the operations and performance of the Spallation Neutron Source accelerator and neutron source complex, which includes the target systems and the site conventional systems. The committee will assess and provide advice on accelerator performance, performance limitations, proposed improvements to overcome those limitations, operation of the facility, the ongoing program of accelerator science and technology development, and plans for future upgrades to the accelerator complex.
Committee Membership
The chair and members of the committee will be appointed by the ALD for Neutron Sciences in consultation with the RAD and ISD directors. Members will be appointed to three-year terms with possible renewal by mutual consent.
The SNS AAC will meet regularly, approximately once per year, but may be called upon at other times via email or teleconference to address specific issues.
A specific charge for each meeting will be developed by the RAD and ISD directors, and transmitted to the committee in advance. The chair, in consultation with the RAD and ISDD directors, will set the meeting agenda.
A verbal report will be presented at the end of each meeting, followed by a written report to the ALD for Neutron Sciences, submitted within 4 weeks. The SNS AAC will also be asked to provide an oral briefing to the Neutron Sciences Advisory Board, which meets yearly.