COVID-19 Guidelines
Face covering requirements. Pursuant to the DOE Workplace Safety and Reentry Framework dated August 19, 2022, wearing a face covering indoors is OPTIONAL for staff when the COVID-19 Community Level is LOW or MEDIUM. You may choose to wear a face covering and are welcome to do so. Community level-based face covering/mask policy does not apply to individuals who are actively infected with SARS-CoV-2 or individuals who may be required to wear a face covering due recent infection or a recent exposure. When HIGH, employees should wear a face covering indoors unless alone in an office, private space, or when eating.
Government-operated vehicles. If Community Level is MEDIUM or HIGH: In government-operated vans, cars, trucks and other motor pool passenger vehicles, ORNL staff/interns/visitors are required to wear well-fitting masks when there are multiple occupants. When LOW, wearing a face covering in the vehicles noted above is optional.
Approved face coverings are available in Expense Bench Stock areas in Bldgs. 2525 and 4500 South or through Safety Services by contacting Tony Reynolds, 865-574-2707. See this flier for effective face covering guidance. Vented face covers (e.g., N-95), are not permitted unless vent is covered by surgical/procedure mask.
Physical distancing requirements. DOE no longer has physical distancing requirements (regardless of vaccination status). ORNL staff, subcontractors, and visitors are encouraged to consider physical distancing from others when Roane County’s COVID-19 Community Level is MEDIUM or HIGH.
Interview, isolation of COVID-19 positive staff. Health Services will notify staff member of positive COVID-19 test done on site. A detailed history will be obtained, and guidance regarding isolation, work status, restrictions, and travel limitations will be provided. See the Isolation and Exposure Guidance chart for more information.
Stay off campus and call your host if you’re sick or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
NOTE: ORNL’s requirements are based on the Roane County community level at all facilities, regardless of location. Download a copy of the sign that details COVID requirements indoors based on community level.