Carrie Gao

Carrie Gao

Carrie Gao is a scientific associate in ORNL’s Neutron Scattering Division, supporting the EQ-SANS and USANS beamlines. She provides operation support for the neutron scattering program, serving as the bridge between the facility operation groups and the instrument team. In her spare time, Carrie enjoys hiking, rafting, and exploring nature with her family, and doing crafts with her children.


My advisor in graduate school first introduced me to this powerful technique, neutron scattering. He encouraged me to attend the annual National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering at Argonne and Oak Ridge national laboratories. I was amazed by the advantages and power of neutrons and synchrotrons, which were essential and unique to material characterizations. These experiences helped me land a job at ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source and continue to be part of the scattering world.

Working in the most advanced neutron research facilities in the world is a great experience. My job allows me to interact with scientists and students from all around the world. Helping our users to successfully conduct their innovative research in our facilities is of great importance and gives me great pleasure."

–Carrie Gao