Highly Tunable Magnetic Phases in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide FexNbS2

Scientific Achievement
In the layered antiferromagnet FexNbS2, stripe or zigzag magnetic order is stabilized for samples with Fe vacancies or Fe interstitials respectively, with a narrow phase coexistence region centered around stoichiometric Fe1/3NbS2.
Significance and Impact
This work shows that the rapid current-induced resistance switching in Fe1/3NbS2, an intriguing property for future antiferromagnetic spintronics devices, arises from the competition between two magnetic states that can be manipulated by engineering magnetic defects.
Research Details
- Neutron diffraction and bulk characterization measurements were combined to investigate the evolution of the magnetic ground state in FexNbS2 as a function of Fe-doping.
“Highly tunable magnetic phases in transition metal dichalcogenide Fe1/3+dNbS2”
Shan Wu, Zhijun Xu, Shannon Haley, Sophie Weber, Arani Acharya, Eran Maniv, Yiming Qiu, Adam Aczel, Nicholas Settineri, Jeffrey Neaton, James Analytis, and Robert Birgeneau
hysical Review X 12, 021003 (2022). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021003