Modes of Access

ORNL’s neutron sources offer various modes of access. The industrial liaison will work with the industry partner to determine the most suitable access mode.

Modes of Access

General user access

Beamtime is granted through General User Program biannual proposal calls. Proposals are reviewed by an external Science Review Committee.


Mail-in program

Industrial users may obtain access to a select number of neutron scattering beamlines. This program allows users to simply ship their samples for remote services.


Industrial applications program

This mode of access is best for industrial partners that need rapid access to ORNL’s neutron sources. Users can be on-site or send their samples for remote services.



Some industrial partners may not be experienced with neutron scattering as a research tool, which is why scientific and technical staff are available to analyze their data for a fee. Other services may be available for a fee depending on the needs of the industrial partner. For more information on this service, contact the Industrial Liaison.


Non-proprietary and proprietary research

Beamtime is free of charge if the industrial partner publishes the experiment results to the scientific community and public. Some industrial partners require data protection and don’t plan to publish their data, in which case they will be charged for their neutron beamtime.


Contact Industrial Liaison for access to our facilities.