Users must credit ORNL in all publications resulting from experiments performed at these facilities. In addition, publications, papers, patents, honors and awards, and their citations must be reported to the User Office to assist the facilities in recording the contributions of its users. Each facility (HFIR or SNS or both) must be acknowledged with this statement:
"[A portion of] This research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's High Flux Isotope Reactor [and/or Spallation Neutron Source, as appropriate] was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences."
Additionally, we request the citation of the ARCS instrument paper in any peer-reviewed journal publication:
Abernathy, D. L., Stone, M. B., Loguillo, M. J., Lucas, M. S., Delaire, O., Tang, X., Lin, J. Y.Y., and Fultz, B., Design and operation of the wide angular-range chopper spectrometer ARCS at the Spallation Neutron Source," Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 15114 (2012).
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